Sacroiliac Joint Injection

Sacroiliac joint injections (SI joint injections) are a type of injection used to diagnose and treat pain in the sacroiliac joints, which are located in the lower back where the sacrum bone meets the pelvis.

During the procedure, a local anesthetic and steroid medication are injected directly into the sacroiliac joint, which can help to relieve pain and inflammation. The medication helps to reduce swelling and irritation around the joint, which can alleviate pain.

SI joint injections are typically used to diagnose the source of pain in the lower back, buttocks, and legs, as well as to treat conditions such as sacroiliitis, osteoarthritis, and sciatica. The procedure is typically done under x-ray or ultrasound guidance to ensure accurate placement of the needle.

It is important to note that while SI joint injections can provide temporary relief of symptoms, they are not a cure for the underlying condition and may need to be repeatedperiodically. Other treatments, such as physical therapy and medication, may also be recommended to manage pain and improve function.